SparkAmerica is focused on building Fit & Healthy leaders all across the country. We do that by implementing programs in SparkCities - urban and suburban localities whose business and civic leaders have joined with us to create community and promote healthy living. We are proud of the work being done and the partnerships we've formed in each of these cities, and of the friendly competition we see each year as they strive to be the healthiest SparkCity in America!


The Fit City Challenge takes place in the fall, and is next scheduled to run from September 1-30, 2024. It's our most active challenge. Once you've signed up for SparkAmerica, you're automatically ready to participate in the Fit City Challenge to help your city become one of the healthiest in America. Check out the cities below to see the latest leaderboards and get your organization and city ready for the next Fit City Challenge.


We have over 100 cities participating in SparkAmerica, click below to sign up in your city today! You can join your city in three ways.

  • First, by being part of your #TeamCity.
  • Second, by joining an existing business or organization in your city.
  • Third, by requesting to add your business or organization.

If you want to learn more about how the SparkAmerica Fit City Challenge works and also learn how you can connect to the tools inside SparkAmerica, download our toolkit!


Beyond the Fit City Challenge we are seeking visionary leaders to support and champion a mission, aimed  at save lives and reducing healthcare costs while reinvesting savings into the community.

The SparkPittsburgh Initiative enhances and accelerates the creation of a network of stakeholders who share the excitement around a healthcare system centered around value-based primary care. This movement will allow us to significantly increase the number of PeopleOne Health locations in our region.